
Making of glossr

This is not a post about how to create an R package, or even about why you might want to. I want to tell you my experience creating glossr: what I had when I came in and what I learned along the way.

Academic Writing in R Markdown II

What I learned from writing my dissertation with R Markdown. First part of at two-parts post on Academic Writing with R Markdown

Academic writing in R Markdown I

Why am I using R Markdown for academic writing and why would you want to? First part of at two-parts post on Academic Writing with R Markdown

Obsidian and Zotero

Now that I learned about Obsidian, I'm readjusting how I take notes and organize my literature readings. The next step is to integrate it with Zotero!

PhD Defense

Doctoral defense

Git Mountain

On 19/Oct/2021 gave a presentation on starting with Git and Github and why you might be interested; click on the link above to download the slides. I’ve learned a lot in the past years and become extremely aware of it.

All of my selves

On thinking about my past, present and future selves.